
Do Any of The Following Resonate With You?

  • Your go-to coping skills are not cutting it anymore

  • You are not sure how to start again after everything has changed

  • Your work-family life balance is not at all balanced

If so, Counseling Can Help.

Individual Therapy

Life has gotten a little too fast and it seems like things are out of your control. Work and life and parenting is hard and you aren't sure what you are supposed to do.

Working with me, we will together clarify what is important to you and what you want to get out of therapy. I can help you to understand where you came from and got you where you are, and how you can use that information to help you get where you want to go.

Relationship Therapy

The dynamics in your relationship(s) are not what they once were. You desperately want to better connect with the people you care about but are stuck in a tricky cycle that leaves everyone feeling misunderstood and frustrated.

I love working with couples and families to better connect and communicate, moving from just surviving to thriving. We take a look at the patterns in place that have stopped working, and learn new skills to learn new, healthy patterns. Having an outsider like me can significantly help to bring about healing that you are longing for and to start thriving together again.

Hi, I'm Katie Schefter Sheron

I help Individuals and Relationships of all kinds to better manage the chaos and stress of life with counseling services here in Vancouver. If you don't know how to make it better, working together could help you get a better handle on things and to start thriving!

I have learned that even when things look good on the outside, things can be a mess on the inside. With the backdrop of my own personal experiences and professional education, I offer a judgment-free space to figure things out and make a plan to get on the path to living your most fulfilling life.