Individual and Relationship Therapy

Helping you embrace all that you are

If you are struggling and feeling worried all the time, I understand how difficult that can be. You might feel like you are barely keeping it all together, juggling all of the things. And you worry that at any moment one or all will come crashing down, or it already has. It affects your days and wakes you at night. In our society, we don’t talk about it very much, but what you are experiencing is totally normal. Reaching out to me and working together means you have a place to get help with your concerns.

Here Are Some Challenges That I Can Help You With

As some who is trying to do it all and is burdened with too much stress you may be feeling:

  • overwhelmed, angry, and frustrated that you can't seem to do it all like everyone needs you to

  • like you don't even know who you are anymore and have lost your way

  • sad that despite your best efforts it never feels like enough and you are a disappointment to yourself and others

Even if you are still able to keep it all together despite feeling this way, Therapy can help.  

As Your Counselor, I Can Help You Embrace Who You Are

I'm Katie Schefter Sheron, LMHC and I am uniquely qualified to help you embrace who you are and to help you find that confidence and peace you have been striving for. Deciding to go to therapy is a great first step. But finding someone you click with is even more important. The absolute worst feeling would be to walk into a counselor's office and feel like they just don't get you or that you can't be real. Life is full of contradictions... you LOVE your kids/partner and also daydream about running away sometimes or, you want to explore some of the doubts you have about your faith but don’t feel good enough to question, or from the outside everything looks perfect, but you know the reality of the inside and it isn’t pretty. Come as you are. Most clients would say I am authentic, real, and non-judgmental. We all have parts of ourselves that seem to be in conflict with one another. Our work is to figure out how to get all parts of ourselves working together for our good.

Therapy Can Improve Your Life

Therapy can provide the support you need to help you find your way towards a better life. Even if you’re feeling lost now, I can help guide you in making lasting, positive changes in your life. Therapy can help you:

  • Accept your self just the way you are

  • Feel confident in your choices and decisions

  • Find yourself and your way again

It’s not easy managing tough situations but the good news is that it's possible to feel better. I have the experience to help you.

Take The Next Step

Feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn? Remember, you don't have to face it alone. Reach out today and let me support you on your journey towards healing and growth.