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Hi, I'm Katie!

I didn't realize how much my own issues and unhealthy patterns were running my life until it all fell apart. Everything that I had planned and hoped for was wiped away and I was left feeling powerless and hopeless to know where to begin to change. It was through a lot of tears, prayer, and counseling that I began to really take a look at who I am and how I operate to be able to rebuild a life that I love. I have worn many hats over my lifetime....daughter, sister, friend, wife, ex-wife, partner, stay-at-home mom, single mom, working mom, employee and business owner. I bring my experience from all of these relationships to the table when I work with you. Ultimately, counseling is a relationship. I am here to tell you that you do not have to go forward with the ways things have always been. You can create a life of meaning and full of beauty!

As your trauma-informed therapist, I will not ask anything of you that I have not walked through myself. I will help you meet yourself with compassion and find your own path to create the life of which you can feel confident and proud.

A Little About My Professional Background

I received a Bachelors of Arts in Vocal Performance Music from the University of Washington (Go Dawgs!). After over a decade of being a stay-at-home mom, I went back to school and earned my Masters Degree in Counseling from Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon. I hold a LMHC license (LH61014339) in the state of Washington. When not working I can be found skiing, cheering at my kids’ activities, or out walking two silly dogs.

Formal Professional Training:

IFS Level 1 and Level 2 : IFS Institute, IFS Continuity Program

EFT for Individuals, Portland EFT™

Brainspotting Phase 1 with Cynthia Schwartberg, Phase 2 with Dr. Christine Ranck & Dr. Pie Frey

Comprehensive Interpersonal Neurobiology, Midnight Institute

The Heart of Trauma with Dr. Bonnie Badenoch (PCPSI)